Intuition for Gram-Schmidt process

gram-schmidtlinear algebra

Let V be a finite dinner-product space, given a$ v_1,…v_n$ orthogonal bases, and $w_1,…w_n \in W $be subspace of V. Then $v_1=w_1$, $v_2= w_2-proj_w v_2$, $v_3= w_3-proj_w v_2- proj_w v_3$… I know that $proj_w v_i$ is the vector $v_i$ projected onto W subspace. How to intuitively understand Gram-Schmidt process, why as i gets bigger, we keep on subtracting more? I looked up the diagram on Gram-Schmidt, but still fails to get the sense.

Wiki for Gram-schmidt

Best Answer

When you project a vector onto a subspace (any dimension), and subtract the result, you get a vector orthogonal to the subspace. Projection onto an $n$-dimensional subspace, on the other hand, can be accomplished by adding the projections onto the $n$ individual members of an orthogonal basis.

Perhaps try an example. Project $(x,y,z)$ onto the $2$-dimensional subspace spanned by the unit vectors in the directions of the $x$ and $y$ axes. These two are often denoted $\bf{\vec i}$ and $\bf{\vec j}$. The projection in this case is of course $(x,y,0)$. And that's indeed $(x,y,z)-(x,0,0)-(0,y,0)=(x,y,z)-\operatorname{proj}_{\bf{\vec i}}(x,y,z)-\operatorname{proj}_{\bf{\vec j}}(x,y,z)$. After subtracting, and normalizing, you of course get $\bf{\vec k}=(0,0,1)$, to complete the standard basis.

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