Intuition behind topological conjugacy between the flows of two systems of differential equations

dynamical systemsordinary differential equations

My book defines topological conjugacy between the flows of two differential equations as follows:

Suppose $X' = AX \text{ and } X' = BX$ have flows $\phi ^A$ and $\phi ^B$. These two systems are topologically conjugate if there exists a homeomorphism $h: \mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}^2$ that satisfies $\phi ^B (t, h(X_0))= h(\phi ^A (t,X_0))$.

I understand the idea behind homemorphism, but why is conjugacy defined the way it is? Why is $h$ of the initial condition taken on one side while h of the flow is taken on the other? Why isn't it defined like $\phi ^B (t, X_0)= h(\phi ^A (t,X_0))$ instead?

Best Answer

The idea behind it is that: the image of the orbit is the orbit of the image, with corresponding times. And for that you need to have precisely $$\phi^B (t, h(X_0))= h(\phi ^A (t,X_0)).$$ More precisely, an orbit is $$\mathcal O^A(X_0)=\{\phi ^A (t,X_0):t\in\mathbb R\}.$$ Its image is thus $$h(\mathcal O^A(X_0))=\{h(\phi^A (t,X_0)):t\in\mathbb R\}=\{\phi^B (t,h(X_0)):t\in\mathbb R\}=\mathcal O^B(h(X_0)).$$ Summing up, the image of the orbit is the orbit of the image: $h(\mathcal O^A(X_0))=\mathcal O^B(h(X_0))$.

Incidentally: Do you realize that with your proposed definition (in your last line), taking $t=0$ would give $h(X_0)=X_0$ for all $X_0$ and so $h$ would need to be the identity map?

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