Intuition behind the identity $\overline{\phi^*(V(\mathfrak b))}=V(\mathfrak b^c)$


All rings in this question will be commutative, and ring homomorphisms are required to send $1$ to $1$. Suppose $\phi:A\to B$ is a ring homomorphism, $X=\operatorname{Spec} A$ and $Y=\operatorname{Spec} B$. The map $\phi$ induces a continuous map $\phi^*:Y\to X$ given by sending each prime ideal in $B$ to its contraction in $A$. In Atiyah and Macdonald, there is an exercise asking for a proof of the identity $\overline{\phi^*(V(\mathfrak b))}=V(\mathfrak b^c)$ for all ideals $\mathfrak b$ in $B$. Is there an intuition behind why the identity holds? It seems that this theorem has some geometric content to it, but none of the proofs I have seen feel particularly geometric. I am also curious if there is an analogue of the identity in classical algebraic geometry, where $V(\mathfrak a)$ denotes the vanishing locus of $\mathfrak a$, rather than the set of prime ideals including $\mathfrak a$.

Best Answer

We'll play a little fast and loose with what "vanishing" means here, but you can make all of this work no matter what definition of "vanishing" you pick, and you did say that you were looking for intuition anyways.

Suppose $f$ is a function on $X$. The function $f$ vanishes on $\phi^*(V(\mathfrak{b}))$ if and only if the pullback of $f$ vanishes on $V(\mathfrak{b})$. As the map $A\to B$ is given by pullback and the functions vanishing on $V(\mathfrak{b})$ are exactly $\mathfrak{b}$, this means that $f$ vanishing on $\phi^*(V(\mathfrak{b}))$ is equivalent to the image of $f$ in $B$ lying in $\mathfrak{b}$, or $f\in\mathfrak{b}^c$. So the functions vanishing on $\phi^*(V(\mathfrak{b}))$ are exactly $\mathfrak{b}^c$. As $V(I(S))=\overline{S}$, this gives that $\overline{\phi^*(V(\mathfrak{b}))}= V(\mathfrak{b}^c)$ and we're done.

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