Interview question: correlation of binomial distributions with random $p$


I happened to an interview question:

Toss a coin, if the probability of head, $p$ is random. What's the correlation between the number of heads for 100 tossing, $X_{100}$ and the first 10 tossing, $X_10?$

the non-random $p$ version is very easy which has been answered here:

How to calculate the correlation between the number of heads of 100 toss of coin and the number of heads of the first 10 toss of those 100 tosses?

We know that when $p$ is known (conditional on $p$),
$$X_{10}|p\sim binomial(10,p),$$
we have
$$Covariance(X_{10}|p,X_{100}|p) = Variance(X_{10}|p) = 10*p(1-p).$$

Then how to calculate the random $p?$ Maybe let's assume $p\sim Uniform(0,1).$ I just want to see the process of calculation.

Best Answer

Just use the Law of Total Variance to find the unconditional variance.

Let $X_{n}$ be the count for heads among the first $n$ tosses. $X_{n}\mid p\sim \mathcal{Bin}(n,p)$, and assuming $p\sim\mathcal{U}(0,1)$...

$$\begin{align}\mathsf{Var}(X_n) &=\mathsf E(\mathsf{Var}(X_n\mid p))+\mathsf {Var}(\mathsf E(X_n\mid p))\\&=\mathsf E(np(1-p))+\mathsf{Var}(np)\\&=n\mathsf E(p)(1-\mathsf E(p))+(n^2-n)\mathsf {Var}(p)\\&=\tfrac {2n+n^2}{12}\end{align}$$

Then use that to find the correlation.