Interval of solution from Picard iteration

derivativesordinary differential equations

Respected Sir/Madam,
Kindly suggest me the method I can solve it or resource to learn it

Consider the initial value problem(IVP)
y(0)=4/10 .$$

Then, the solution of the above initial value problem exists on the interval

Thank You,

Best Answer

The following is an exploration of what is close to the maximally achievable. The interval approximation that is found is not exactly proven. In the task, you are probably expected to find a much smaller interval, a box $(t,y) =[t_0-a,t_0+a]\times[y_0-b,y_0+b]$ where the direct Picard iteration is contracting in the unmodified supremum norm.

To compute a numerical approximation for the inner interval, consider the vector field $(1, e^{-5t}+y^3)$ and rescale it to grow at most linearly in $y$ by dividing by $(1+y^2)$. Then solve for instance on $[-10,10]$

function dotu = f(s,u)
    t = u(1); y = u(2);
    a = 1+y^2;
    dotu = [1/a; (y^3+exp(-5*t))/a];

[sneg, uneg] = ode45(@f, [0,-8], [0;4/10]);
[spos, upos] = ode45(@f, [0, 5], [0;4/10]);
% interval bounds
disp([uneg(end,1), upos(end,1)]);
% a better pole position estimate
t2=upos(end,1); y2=upos(end,2);
disp([t2 + 1/(2*y2^2)]);
hold on
plot(uneg(:,1),uneg(:,2), '-+r');
grid on; hold off;

resulting in the interval bounds $[ -1.024183468244184,\, 1.548175031612699]$. Increasing the integration interval will lead to an increasing negative bound, while in the positive direction the curve grows in $y$, but stays almost stationary in $t$, that is, there is a pole.

enter image description here

One could now speculate that on the small positive segment, the ODE is bounded below by $y'=y^3\implies y(t)^{-2}=y_0^{-2}-2(t-t_0)$, giving a pole for the lower bound and thus an upper bound for the domain of the solution at $t_0+\frac1{2\cdot 0.4^2}=3.125$. This is not a very good bound, but it shows that the domain on that side is bounded at all. Taking the last computed point $(t_2,y_2)$ as initial value, one can get a better estimate for the pole by using this approximation as $t^*=t_2+\frac1{2y_2^2}= 1.54962150$.

On the left side the transient $y=-e^{-5t/3}$ is also an attracting asymptote, so that the solution will eventually follow it and exist on the full half-axis.

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