Polynomials – Intersecting Cubic Equations and Roots


I know that it is possible to find all roots of a cubic using the cubic formula. Now when I have a cubic $P(x)$, I create the simultaneous equations:

$$P(x)=y \quad\text{and}\quad P(y)=x$$

I want to find all the roots using just algebraic manipulation and cubic formula.

My previous work: I know at most $3$ roots lie on $x=y$, and therefore I will set $P(x)=x$ and that is a cubic, which I can solve.

But I don't know how to get the remaining $6$ roots within the constraints of the problem. Can someone help me?

Best Answer

[tl;dr] $\;$ The resulting sextic is solvable, but the calculations are extremely laborious, so for all practical purposes the answer would be to solve it numerically.

Let the general depressed cubic be $P(x) = x^3 + a x + b$ then the period-$2$ periodic points of $P$ other than the fixed points are the roots of the sextic:

$$ \frac{P\left(P(x)\right) - x}{P(x) - x} = x^6 + (2 a + 1) x^4 + 2 b x^3 + (a^2 + a + 1) x^2 + (2 a + 1) b x + a + b^2 + 1 $$

The Tschirnhaus transformation $\,z = x^3 + (a - 1) x + b\,$ reduces it to the cubic in $t = z^2\,$:

$$ t^3 + 6 a \,t^2 + 3 (3 a^2 - 4 a - 4) \,t + 4 a^3 - 12 a^2 + 27 b^2 + 16 $$

It follows that the original sextic is solvable.

It would be technically possible to solve the latter cubic, then for each of the three $t$ roots calculate the corresponding $z = \pm t^{1/2}$ and solve each of the six Tschirnhaus cubics. That would give $18$ potential $x$ roots for the original sextic, out of which the $6$ actual roots would need to be identified and retained. Or, once established that the sextic is in fact solvable, follow the reference quoted on wikipedia's page on sextics T. R. Hagedorn, General formulas for solving solvable sextic equations, J. Algebra 233 (2000), 704-757, to the tune of 54 loaded pages. Either way, the exact calculations are very heavy, so numerical root-finding would be preferred in practical applications.

[ EDIT ] $\;$ Finding the Tschirnhaus transformation was essentially trial and error. I thought I'd look for a bicubic (if that's what a cubic in $z^2$ can be called) and started with a depressed cubic substitution $z = x^3 + u x + v$. Canceling the $x^5$ term gave $v = b$ and canceling the $x^3$ term required $u \in \{a-1, a+1/2, a+2\}$. Out of the three choices, $u=a-1$ turned out to cancel the linear term as well.

[ EDIT #2 ] $\;$ Another Tschirnhaus transformation that settles the question of solvability even more directly is $z = x^3 + (a+1)x +b$, which reduces the sextic to (the square of) a cubic:

$$ z^3+(a+2)z-b $$

In light of the related question Irreducibility and Galois group of the 2 -periodic points of a (cubic) polynomial it may be worth noting that something similar holds true for the reduced quartic $P(x)=x^4+ax+b$. In that case $\frac{P\left(P(x)\right)-x}{P(x)-x}$ has degree $12$, and the substitution $z=P(x)+x$ reduces it to (the square of) a sextic.

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