Interpret spectral projections


Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}$ be a Borel set and $\chi_\Omega$ its indicator function. If $A$ is a bounded self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space, we use the Borel functional calculus to define the spectral projector $\chi_\Omega(A)$.

If we let $\Omega = \{\lambda\}$, a single point set, then according to this answer ( $\chi_{\{\lambda\}}$ is interpreted as the operator which projects onto the eigenspace of $\lambda$ if $\lambda$ is an eigenvalue and zero if $\lambda$ is not an eigenvalue.

I have two questions about these spectral projections:

  1. What happens if $\lambda$ is in the spectrum but is not an eigenvalue? Is the projector still the zero projector?
  2. What is the interpretation of $\chi_\Omega$ for general Borel sets $\Omega$ (that is, when $\Omega$ is not necessarily a singleton)? Is this the projection onto the union (or direct sum?) of all eigenspaces such that for each eigenspace its corresponding eigenvalue is in $\Omega$?

Best Answer

  1. Yes. If $\chi_{\{\lambda\}}(A)\ne0$, then any vector in the range of $\chi_{\{\lambda\}}(A)$ is an eigenvector for $\lambda$.

  2. An operator may have no eigenvalues. If all the elements of $\Omega$ happen to be eigenvalues, then indeed $\chi_\Omega(A)$ is the projection onto the closure of the linear span of the union of the eigenspaces.

Edit: an example. Let $H=\mathbb C\oplus L^2[0,1]$. Let $$ A=2\oplus M_g, $$ where $g(t)=t\,1_{[1,3]}(t)$ and $M_g$ is the multiplication operator. Then $$ \chi_{\{\frac12\}}(A)=1\oplus0,\qquad\text{ while }\qquad \chi_{[1,2]}(A)=1\oplus M_h, $$ with $h=1_{[1,3]}$.

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