Interior covering and path connectedness


If $X_1, X_2$ are subsets of $X$ such that $X = int \, X_1 \cup \, int \, X_2$. Prove that, if $X$ is path connected, then each path component of $X_1$ meets $X_2$.

I would be really appreciated if a hint is given. I tried proof by contradiction.

My attempt:

  • The special case when either of the interiors is empty implies $X_i=X$ hence statement is trivially true.

  • Let $x \in X_1$ and $C_x$ be the path component in $X_1$. Suppose $C_x \cap X_2=\emptyset$, let $y \in int \, X_2$, there is a path $b:x \rightarrow y$ in $X$.

  • It suffices to show that there are two disjoint open sets that cover the domain of $b$ (which is an interval). I believe one candidate is $b^{-1}(int \, X_2)$. The other I am stuck.

Best Answer

The meaning of the phrase "sets $A, B$ meet" is that $A \cap B \ne \emptyset$.

We distinguish various cases.

Case 1: $X_1 = \emptyset$. Then the assertion is wrong because $\emptyset$ is a path component of $X_1$ which does not meet $X_2$. However, note that it is a matter of taste if $\emptyset$ is regarded as path-connected or not. Some authors do not, but the usual definition says it is (so that $\emptyset$ has a single path component, namely $\emptyset$ itself). I adopted this point of view, but if you don't like to do so the assertion becomes trivially true because then $\emptyset$ does not have any path component.

Case 2: $X_1 \ne \emptyset$.

Case 2.1: $X_2 = \emptyset$. Then the assertion is wrong.

Case 2.2: $X_2 \ne \emptyset$.

Case 2.2.1: $int X_2 = \emptyset$. Then the assertion is trivially true because this implies $X_1 = X$ (as pointed out in the question).

Case 2.2.2: $int X_2 \ne \emptyset$. This is the only non-trivial case.

To prove the assertion we have to show that for each $x \in X_1$ there exists a path $v : [0,a] \to X$ such that $v([0,a]) \subset X_1$, $v(0) = x$ and $v(a) \in X_2$.

Case a: $x \notin int X_1$. Then $x \in int X_2$ and we can take any constant path $v(t) \equiv x$.

Case b: $x \in int X_1$. Choose $y \in int X_2$. Since $X$ is path-connected, there exists a path $u : [0,b] \to X$ such that $u(0) = x, u(b) = y$. If $u([0,b]) \subset int X_1$, we are ready. Otherwise define $c = inf \lbrace t \in [0,b] \mid u(t) \notin int X_1 \rbrace$. We have $c > 0$ and $u([0,c)) \subset int X_1$. $u(c)$ cannot be contained in $int X_1$ (otherwise a neighborhood of $c$ would be mapped into $int X_1$ which would contradict the definition if $c$). Hence $u(c) \in int X_2$ and we conclude that a neighborhood of $c$ is mapped into $int X_2$. But then we find $a \in (0,c)$ such that $u(a) \in int X_2$. This means that $v = u \mid_{[0,a]}$ is a path as required.