Integrate over line of square in polar coordinates

integrationpolar coordinatestrigonometry

I'm not sure if this question already exists, because I'm not sure how to call it. I want to integrate over the line of a square. In a simplified problem, I'd like to solve:

$$ l=\oint\limits_c dl $$

Therefore I figured I could take one line and multiply the result by 4:

$$ l=4\oint\limits_{c'}dl $$

And then I wanted to use an angle ($d\alpha$) to represent $dl$ – however, that's where I failed. In the following figure I illustrated which values I can easily use to get $dl$ ($R$ is known and $r=\frac{R}{\cos\alpha})$:
With the help of the sine theorem I got the following:
and with the addition theorem:
But I have no idea how to calculate the resulting integral:
as $d\alpha$ is in the denominator.

Am I missing some trigonometric rule here?

Edit if I use $r=\frac{R}{cos\alpha}$, I'd have:
$$dl\simeq\frac{Rd\alpha}{\sin\alpha\cos\alpha d\alpha+\cos^2\alpha}$$
which (as wolframalpha tells me) is
However, that doesn't help me much, as $d\alpha$ still is in the denominator.

More with the help of guesswork then through my own thoughts, I found a $dl$ that would work:
For a square with $R=1$ for example, I'd have:
so this behaves as expected – however, I have no idea how this could be trigonometrically (or mathematically, for that matter) explained. Furthermore, this seems to contrast my previous thoughts about $dl$, as illustrated in the following graph from geogebra (with $d\alpha=0.1$ – green is my first attempt, blue is my guessed attempt):

I also did some more research and got here, where the line element in polar coordinates is given by:
this seems to use the pythagorean theorem, in the sense that $d\alpha$ is straigt for small values, which makes sense. Follwing that, one might say:
implying the following for the line element:
however, I don't know how to use this, as $d\alpha$ also is in the Tangens, is squared, is a summand and is taken the root of. I guess there's something wrong with this solution, as the term $\alpha$ doesn't even appear in it, but even if it wasn't I could not use it any more than my first solution.

I have the feeling that I'm looking at this problem in a way to complicated manner, especially as I can't seem to find useful information in the internet. But if this is true, what is the obvious answer here?

Best Answer

$$l=R\tan\alpha\implies dl=\frac{R\,d\alpha}{\cos^2\alpha}.$$

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