Integrals: arccos and arcsin relationship


Let's assume I have this simple integral:

$\int \frac{-6}{\sqrt{1-x^2}} dx = -6 \int \frac{dx}{\sqrt{1-x^2}} = -6\arcsin{x} + C$

Question is: can I also write down the result as: $6\arccos{x}+C?$

And thus would the following be true?

$\int \frac{a}{\sqrt{b^2-x^2}}dx = a\arcsin{\frac{x}{b}} +C = -a\arccos{\frac{x}{b}}+C$

Best Answer

Yes (to the first question), since $(-\arcsin)'=\arccos'$. And the answer to the second question is also affirmative.

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