Integral utter confusion with substition and dx/du


I need to find the indefinite integral I = $$\int e^x (1+e^x)^{\frac{1}{2}}$$

by using a proper substition method. I tried it on and it gave the following explanation

Screenshot of integral-calculator

Now this is where it gets confusing, when substituting $u = (1+e^x)$ I would suspect we got $$\int e^x \sqrt{(1+e^x)} = \int e^x\sqrt{u} $$
But that's not what the screenshot says.

It says that the original problem equals $\int \sqrt{u} du$ and also that $dx = e^{-x}$. Now where does this $e^{-x}$ come from? The antiderivite of $e^x$ is still $e^x$. And the antiderivative of $e^x+1$ is $e^x+x$ so where does that negative number come from and why is it used?

So those are my questions.
1. Why is $$\int e^x \sqrt{(1+e^x)} = \int \sqrt{u} du $$
2. Where does the $dx = e^{-x}$ come from
3. WHy is it even necessary?

Best Answer

$(1)$ Because when you make the substitution $\color{purple}{u = e^x+1}$, taking the derivative of $u$ yields $\frac{du}{dx} = e^x$. Hence, $\color{blue}{e^xdx = \frac{du}{dx}dx = du}$. The integral can therefore be rewritten:

$$\int \color{blue}{e^x}\sqrt{\color{purple}{e^x+1}} \color{blue}{dx} \implies \int\sqrt{\color{purple}{u}}\color{blue}{du}$$

$(2)$ In the previous part, note that we get $\frac{du}{dx} = e^x$. This can be rewritten as $\frac{du}{e^x} = dx$, and $e^x$ in the denominator can be written as $e^{-x}$ in the numerator, so $dx = e^{-x}du$.

$(3)$ It’s certainly not necessary. It makes the integral easier to evaluate.

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