Integral of $(x^3+2x+1)^{-1/2}$


I was wondering whether the below indefinite integral, $$\int\frac{1}{\sqrt{x^3+2x+1}}\,dx$$

is analytically solvable? If not, how could we prove that it cannot be written in terms of elementary functions?

I came across this question while discussing integrals with a friend, and whether or not these seemingly simple expressions can be integrated reasonably.

Naturally, some similar integrals are solvable, especially when the numerator lends itself well to substitution, but this does not seem to be the case here.

I am not very experienced with proofs of the non-elementary nature of integrals.

Any help is much appreciated.

Best Answer

When you face an integral $$I=\int \frac {dx}{\sqrt{x^3+\alpha x^2+\beta x+\gamma}}$$ you will, most of the time obtain very nasty expressions (such as in this case).

However, if you isolate the roots $(a,b,c)$ of the cubic polynomial and write $$I=\int \frac {dx}{\sqrt{(x-a)(x-b)(x-c)}}=-\frac{2 }{\sqrt{b- a}}F\left(\sin ^{-1}\left(\frac{\sqrt{b-a}}{\sqrt{x-a}}\right)|\frac{a-c}{a-b}\right)$$ where appears the elliptic integral of the first kind.

The same with quartics.