Integral curve starting at a zero of a vector field


This is a question from Loring Tu's book "Introduction to manifolds" (Page-161 14.6(b))

Show that if X is the zero vector field on a manifold M, and ct(p) is the maximal integral curve of X starting at p, then the one-parameter group of diffeomorphisms c:R->Diff(M) is the constant map c(t)=1M.

From the previous part of this question I know that if X is a smooth vector field on a manifold M that vanishes at a point p in M then the integral curve of X with initial point p is the constant curve c(t)=p.

I am stuck and really don't know how to proceed.Thanks.

Best Answer

You are basically done, because $c_p(t) = p = \mathrm{id}(p)$, so $c(t)$ is the identity in $\textrm{Diff}(M)$.

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