Integer solutions to an equation using combinatorics


How many nonnegative integer solutions are there to the equation $$A_1 +
A_2 + A_3 + A_4 = 25$$
such that $A_1 \leq 12$ and $A_4 \leq 10$?

I am completely lost on how to solve such a question.
If someone could give me a detailed solution, I would greatly appreciate it.

Best Answer

We can think of it in this way:

We find all cases for the equation without restriction of $A_1\leq12$ and $A_4\leq10$. Then we fill in these cases with a 2-circle Venn Diagram, the first circle ($P$) with cases satisfying $A_1>12$ (yes, $>$), and the second circle ($Q$) with cases satisfying $A_4>10$. Then what we want to find is $P'\cap Q'$ i.e. $\xi - P - Q + P\cap Q$.

Now we have to solve for

$$A_1 + A_2 + A_3 + A_4 = 25\ \fbox*$$ when $\fbox1\ A_1>12\ (A_1\geq13)$, when $\fbox2\ A_4>10\ (A_4\geq10)$, and when $\fbox3$ both occurs.

From now, we think of those 4 "$A$"s as bins, and numbers as "balls".

For $\fbox*$

Using stars and bars we get ${28\choose3}=3276$

Case $\fbox1$

Then it's easy to eliminate the restriction. We fill in box $A_1$ with 13 balls, and then we get an equation we need to solve for (with no restrictions!): $$A_1 + A_2 + A_3 + A_4 = 12$$

Using stars and bars the answer is ${15\choose3}=455$

Case $\fbox2$

Similarly we get $$A_1 + A_2 + A_3 + A_4 = 14$$ and hence we get ${17\choose3}=680$

Case $\fbox3$

Similarly we get $$A_1 + A_2 + A_3 + A_4 = 1$$ and hence we get ${4\choose3}=4$

Hence we have $3276-455-680+4=2145$ which is what we want.$\ \square$

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