Integer solutions to $ 2 (r^2 – r) = t^2 – t $

diophantine equationsdiscrete mathematics

I'm trying to find integer positive solutions to the equation:
2 (r^2 – r) = t^2 – t

So far I've been giving "test" values to t, say $t = 20$, and then solving the quadratic equation with substituted $t$.

If the resulting value of $r$ is a natural number, then I have a solution. If not, I just try with a different number.

I have been able to get some solutions with this method (such as $t = 21, r =15$ and $t = 120, r =85$) but it's very repetitive and tedious for larger values.

Is there any smarter way to get integer solutions for this equation?

Best Answer

Let $Y=2t-1$ and $X=2r-1$.

Then $Y^2-2X^2=-1$.

This is the negative Pell equation $y^2-nx^2=-1$ with $n=2$.

Solutions are $Y=$$1, 7, 41, 239,...$

and $X=$$1,5,29,169,...$,

so $t=0,4,21,120,...$

and $r=0,3,15,85,....$

[Click on the numbers to see more solutions from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.]