$\int \frac{x^2}{\sqrt{5-x^2}}dx$ using substitution $u = \sqrt{5-x^2}$


I was trying to solve $$\int\frac{x^2}{\sqrt{5-4x^2 }} dx$$ by using the substitution
dx = \frac{\sqrt{5-4x^2}}{-4x}du$$
So the integral can be written as $$\int \left(-\frac{x}{4}\right) du$$ and
x= \begin{cases}
\sqrt{(5-u^2)/4}, & x >0\\
-\sqrt{(5-u^2)/4}, &x<0

I've rewritten the integral as
using trig substitution with $$u= \sqrt5\sin(t)$$ we have
$$-\frac5{16}t – \frac5{16} \sin(t)\cos(t)$$ $$t=\arcsin\left(\frac{u^2}{\sqrt5}\right)$$
If we now reverse the substitutions and simplify, I got the final answer as $$-\frac5{16} \arcsin\left(\sqrt{\frac{5-4x^2}5}\right) – \frac{x}8\sqrt{5-4x^2} $$However this differs from the answer in my textbook which is:


My textbook used different methods that are simpler and easier, but I want to know where I made a mistake.

Best Answer

Note that $$\arcsin\sqrt{\frac{5-4x^2}5}= \arccos\sqrt{1-\frac{5-4x^2}5} =\arccos\frac{2x}{\sqrt5}=\frac\pi2-\arcsin\frac{2x}{\sqrt5} $$ Therefore, the two results differs by the constant $-\frac\pi2$.