Inscribed circle in a right-angled triangle


In right-angled $\triangle ABC$ with catheti $a = 11\,\text{cm}, b=7\,\text{cm}$ a circle has been inscribed. Find the radius and altitude from $C$ to the hypotenuse.

I found that the hypotenuse is $c = \sqrt{170}$ and the radius is $r = \frac{a+b-c}{2}=\frac {18 – \sqrt{170}}{2}$. I think that the altitude $CH=$ the sum of radii of circles inscribed in $\triangle ABC, \triangle AHC, \triangle HBC$ but I don't understand how I should calculate them. Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

Let $h$ be the altitude of the triangle, whose line splits $\sqrt{170}$ into $x$ and $\sqrt{170}-x$. We know that the total area of the triangle is $$\frac12\cdot7\cdot11=\frac12h(\sqrt{170}-x)+\frac12hx\implies\text{altitude}=h=\frac{77}{\sqrt{170}}.$$

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