Injective resolution of $K$ as a $K[x]/x^n$-module


I have read about the question here: Projective resolution of $k$ as $k[x]/(x^n)$-module?, which deals with a projective resolution of $K$ as $K[x]/x^n$-module, where $K$ is a field. And I am interested in whether the injective case is similar.

Find an injective resolution of $K$ as $K[x]/x^n$-module, where $K$ is a field and $n\ge 1$.

  • As $K\cong K[x]/x$, the case $n=1$ is clear.
  • When $n=2$, the ring $R:=K[x]/x^2$ is special as it has Krull
    dimension $0$, which means $R$ is both projective and injective over
    itself. Thus we can consider the following complex:
    x} K[x]/x^2\xrightarrow{\cdot
    x}K[x]/x^2\xrightarrow{\cdot x}\cdots$$

    which is clearly exact.

However, I am stuck at the case $n\ge 3$, since there are more than one non-trivial proper ideal then. I am not sure whether a similar trick would work.

Thank you very much in advance for your help!

Best Answer

Here is one such, once you notice that $R=K[x]/x^n$ is self-injective.

$$0\to K\to R\stackrel{x}{\to}R\stackrel{x^{n-1}}{\to} R\stackrel{x}{\to} R\stackrel{x^{n-1}}{\to} R\cdots$$

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