Injective $*$-homomorphism is isometric


I am aware there are other proofs of line of this statement. But I am interested in the argument outlined here on page 62-63

Corollary II.2.2.9 Let $A$ and $B$ be $C^*$ algebras, $\phi:A \rightarrow B$ be injective $*$-homomoprhism. Then $\phi$ is isometric, i.e. $||\phi(x) || = ||x||$ for all $x \in A$.

The proof goes as follows: Wlog we may assume $A,B$ are commutative (I got this ), and it is obvious from II.2.2.4. (as below).

Theorem II.2.2.4 If $A$ is a commutative $C^*$ algebra, then the Gelfand trasform is an isometric $*$-isomorphism from $A$ onto $C_0(\hat{A})$.

How does II.2.2.4 imply 2.2.9?

Best Answer

That would be II.2.2.4, the Gelfand Transform, a few theorems back. If you are new to C$^*$-algebras, reading Blackadar (with almost no proofs and a general point of view) is probably not the best idea.

Answer to the edit: as Blackadar says, the C$^*$-identity lets you restrict the problem to $A,B$ abelian. So you have maps $$ C_0(\hat A)\xrightarrow{\ \ \ \ \ } A\xrightarrow{\ \ \phi\ \ } B\xrightarrow{\ \ \ \ \ } C_0(\hat B), $$ where the three maps are injective ($\phi$ by hypothesis and the other two by II.2.2.4). Now when restricted to algebras of continuous functions you can use II.2.2.5/II.2.2.7: say $\psi:C(X)\to C(Y)$ is an injective homomorphism. Then $\breve\psi:Y\to X$ is surjective. Now, for $f\in C(X)$, you have (I do the compact case to avoid a few epsilons) $$ \|f\|=|f(x_1)|=|f(\breve\psi (y_1))|=|(\psi f)(y_1)|\leq \|\psi f\|. $$ Also, $$ \|\psi f\|=|(\psi f)(y_0)|=|f(\breve\psi(y_0))|\leq \|f\|. $$ Thus $\|f\|=\|\psi f\|$.

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