Injective homomorphism between two finite groups with the same order

abstract-algebrafinite-groupsgroup-homomorphismgroup-theorylinear algebra

I want to show given two groups $G,H$ and the homomorphism $f:G\rightarrow H$ injective with $\text{ord}(G)=\text{ord}(H)<\infty$, then $f$ is bijective.

Thank you very much in advance.

Best Answer

Hint: Since $f$ is injective, we know that $H$ contains a "copy" of $G$. Namely, the image $\text{im}(f) \le H$ is a subgroup of $H$ isomorphic to $G$ (why?). But if $G$ and $H$ are the same order, what can we conclude about $\text{im}(f)$ and $H$?

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