Inhomogeneous transport equation with terminal value available

partial differential equationstransport-equation

From this video I understand that in case of the inhomogeneous transport equation $$ u_t + c u_x = g (t,x)\tag{$\ast$}$$ with initial value $u (0,x) = \tilde{h} (x)$, the solution may be written as $$u (t,x) = \tilde{h} (x – ct) + \int_0^t g(s,x + (s – t)c)\ ds.\tag{$\ast\ast$}$$

I'm looking at $(\ast)$ but I only know its terminal value $u (T, x) = h (x)$.

Question: how does $(\ast\ast)$ change?

UPDATE: The specific case I'm looking at is $g (t,x)=-k_1 x$ and $h (x)=k_2$ with $k_i>0$ and constant, $i\in\left\{1,2\right\}$.

Best Answer

$$u_t+cu_x=g(t,x)$$ Charpit-Lagrange system of characteristic ODEs : $$\frac{dt}{1}=\frac{dx}{c}=\frac{du}{g(t,x)}$$ First characteristic equation from $\frac{dt}{1}=\frac{dx}{c}$: $$x-ct=C_1$$ Second characteristic equation from $\frac{dt}{1}=\frac{du}{g(t,x)}=\frac{du}{g(t,(C_1+ct))}$

$$u=\int g(t,(C_1+ct))dt+\text{constant}$$ $$u=\int_0^t g(s,(C_1+cs))ds+C_2$$

The general solution of the PDE on the form of implicit equation $C_2=F(C_1)$ leads to : $$\boxed{u(t,x)=\int_0^t g(s,(x-ct+cs))ds+F(x-ct)}$$ $F$ is an arbitrary function to be determined according to the condition $u(T,x)=h(x)$ : $$h(x)=\int_0^T g(s,(x-cT+cs))ds+F(x-cT)$$ Change of variable : $\quad X=x-cT\quad\implies\quad x=X+cT$ $$h(X+cT)=\int_0^T g(s,(X+cs))ds+F(X)$$ $$F(X)=h(X+cT)-\int_0^T g(s,(X+cs))ds$$ Now the function $F(X)$ is known.

We put it into the above general solution where $X=x-ct$ thus $F(x-ct)=h(x-ct+cT)-\int_0^T g(s,(x-ct+cs))ds$ :

$u(t,x)=\int_0^t g(s,(x-ct+cs))ds+h(x-ct+cT)-\int_0^T g(s,(x-ct+cs))ds$

$$\boxed{u(t,x)=h(x-ct+cT)-\int_t^T g(s,(x-ct+cs))ds}$$

Of course it was possible to get the result without solving the whole from the begining to the end. One could use the known solution in the case of given initial condition and directly transforming it to the case of given final condition.