Infinite structures – closed under ultraproducts but not closed under elementary equivalence


I just want to make sure that class of infinite structures is a good example of class of structures closed under ultraproducts but not under elementary equivalence.

The first one is obvious, whereas the second one holds because we can add infinite number of constants to a finite structure, and using compactness theorem get a new infinite structure which will be elementary equivalent to the finite one.
Is it ok example?

Best Answer

No, that doesn't work. It's hard to pin down exactly where it breaks since you haven't really given details about how you're applying compactness here, but in fact the class of infinite structures is closed under elementary equivalence. This is because for each finite $n$ there is a sentence $\varphi_n$ which is true in exactly the structures of size $\ge n$; if $\mathcal{A}$ is infinite and $\mathcal{B}$ is finite, then we have $$\mathcal{A}\models\varphi_{\vert\mathcal{B}\vert+1}\quad\mbox{but}\quad\mathcal{B}\not\models\varphi_{\vert\mathcal{B}\vert+1}.$$

Namely, $\varphi_n$ is the sentence $$\exists x_1,...,x_n(\bigwedge_{1\le i<j\le n}x_i\not=x_j).$$

Instead, we need to use the (downwards) Lowenheim-Skolem theorem. You've correctly observed that the class $C_\kappa$ of structures of cardinality $\ge\kappa$ is always closed under ultraproducts, and so we're looking for something which can "shrink" structures while preserving elementary equivalence. This (with $\kappa=\aleph_0$) is what you've tried to use compactness to do, but that didn't work. Instead, use downwards Lowenheim-Skolem (with $\kappa=\aleph_1$ - but $\aleph_{\omega^2+17}$, or indeed any uncountable $\kappa$, would also work): the class $\mathbb{U}$ of uncountable structures is trivially closed under ultraproducts, but by downwards Lowenheim-Skolem for each $M\in \mathbb{U}$ there is a countable (hence $\not\in \mathbb{U}$) structure $N$ with $M\equiv N$, so $\mathbb{U}$ is not closed under elementary equivalence.