Infinite-dimensional Banach has proper dense subspace


Show that every (separable) infinite-dimensional Banach space $X$ contains a proper vector subspace $Y$ with $cl (Y)$ = $X$

This is Exercise 1 (f) p.245 of this book.

Assuming $X$ is separable, there is an increasing sequence of finite-dimensional subspaces $G_n$ such that $G:=\bigcup_n G_n$ is dense in $E$. The vector subspace $span(G)$ is dense as well.
Since $X$ has infinite dimension, each $G_n$ is closed and has empty interior. By Baire's theorem, $G$ has empty interior. However this does not imply that $span(G)\neq X$.

Can this line of thought lead to a solution ? Completely different solutions are fine.
I'm also interested in a proof for the case where $X$ is not separable.

Best Answer

Your spaces $G_n$ are non decreasing so $G$ is already a dense vector subspace. You may then apply Baire's category theorem to conclude that $G$ has empty interior.

In general when $X$ is an infinite dimensional real normed vector space it has a dense hyperplane. You can show it in three steps:

  • For all $\varphi : X \longrightarrow \mathbb R$ linear, either $N(\varphi) = \operatorname{Ker} \varphi $ is closed; either it is dense.

  • For all $\varphi : X \longrightarrow \mathbb R$ linear, $\varphi$ is continuous if and only if its kernel is closed.

  • There exists a linear non continuous form on $X$.

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