Infinite Dedekind finite sets: Prove that there exists no infinite Dedekind finite set that is both weakly even and weakly odd


Recently in the chat, we are doing some studies on properties of infinite Dedekind finite sets (iD-finite sets). We started with the basics by trying to prove that weakly even and weakly odd iD-finite sets have the same properties as when adding even and odd natural numbers

Let $D$ be a iD-finite set. Then $D$ is weakly even if $D$ can be expressed as a disjoint union of pairs $\{a,b\}$ and weakly odd if $D$ can be expressed as a disjoint union of pairs plus a singleton.

In this answer, it is mentioned that $D$ can be weakly even, weakly odd but never both. Intrigued, we tried to prove that via a proof by contradiction:

Attempt proof:
Let $D$ be iD-finite. Suppose $D$ is both weakly even and weakly odd. Then there exists a bijection $f : C \mapsto A$ such that:


where $$A = \bigsqcup_{a,b} \{a,b\}$$ and

$$C = \bigsqcup_{c,d} \{c,d\} + \{e\}$$

Since $A, C$ are iD-finite, $K = f (\bigsqcup_{c,d} \{c,d\})$ and $K \subsetneq A$. Therefore what remains is to show that any bijection between $A-K$ and $f(\{e\})$ will lead to a contradiction. However, I cannot seemed to find any suitable bijection or otherwise to guarentee that

$$f(\{e\}) \subsetneq A – K$$

Because these are Dedekind cardinals, I cannot really trust my intuition that the difference between a collection of pairs must be a pair (and I cannot use the fact weakly even + weakly even = weakly even either because the same strategy is used as in this attempted proof). How can I show a Dedekind cardinal of pairs cannot be surreally decomposed to give an extra singleton?

Best Answer

Introducing new sets is just confusing. You have a set $D$ with a partition into pairs, say $P$, and a partition into pairs + a singleton, call it $O$. Let's call that singleton $\{d\}$.

Now we will define the following function:

$f(d)=a_0$ such that $\{a_0,d\}\in P$. This $a_0$ exists, and it is not $d$ itself, of course, since $P$ is a partition into pairs. Next, $f(a_0)=a_1$ such that $\{a_0,a_1\}\in O$, this $a_1$ exists since the unique singleton in $O$ was $\{d\}$ and $d\neq a_1$.

And so we proceed: $f(a_{2n+1})=a_{2n+2}$ such that $\{a_{2n+1},a_{2n+2}\}\in O$ and $f(a_{2n+2})=a_{2n+3}$ such that $\{a_{2n+2},2_{2n+3}\}\in P$.

But wait, what have we done??? This is really a function from $\Bbb N$ into $D$. And it is injective!

So $D$ is Dedekind-infinite.

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