Inertia group in local class field theory


Let $K$ be a finite extension of $Q_p$ and $H$ is the inertia group of $G_K$, then we have the well-known local Artin isomorphism $\widehat{K^\times}\cong G_K^{ab}$ where the completion is for the norm groups. But we also have $\widehat{K^\times}\cong O_K^*\times \hat{Z}$, so we have the isomorphism $O_K^*\times \hat{Z}\cong G_K^{ab}$.

Question: Define the composition map $H\hookrightarrow G_K\rightarrow G_K^{ab}\rightarrow O_K^*\times \hat{Z}$ by $f$, then what is the image $f(H)$ in $O_K^*\times \hat{Z}$ ? Do we have $f(H)\subseteq O_K^* \times \{1\} $ ?

Thanks for any answers!

Best Answer

In the Artin map $\newcommand{\Z}{\hat{\Bbb Z}}G_K\mapsto O_K^*\times\Z$ the induced map $G_K\to\Z$ corresponds to the action on the maximal unramified extension $H=K^{ur}$. In detail we have $$G_K\to\text{Gal}(K^{ur}/K)\cong\text{Gal}(k^{alg}/k)\cong\Z$$ where $k$ is the residue class field. By definition the inertia group consists of the elements of $G_K$ acting trivially on $K^{ur}$, so the image of the inertia group is contained in $O_K^*\times\{1\}$. Indeed it is equal to $O_K^*\times\{1\}$.

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