Inequality related to square the sum of any two sides of a triangle with respect to square of other side


Consider a,b,c are three side of a triangle. Now we need to find the relation between square the them sum of any two side of triangle with respect to third side.

My approach

As we know that the sum of any two sides of triangle will always be greater then the third side i.e

$(a+b)>c $



Take square on both side then


$ c^2+b^2+2bc>a^2$


Add last three equations



Edited :
Corrected equation
But the correct answer is this $a^2 + b^2 + c^2 < 2(ab + bc + ca)$

What am I doing wrong?Please guide.

Best Answer

Repeat your reasoning starting with this form of triangular inequalities: $$ |a-b|<c,\quad |b-c|<a,\quad |c-a|<b, $$ that is: $$ (a-b)^2<c^2,\quad (b-c)^2<a^2,\quad (c-a)^2<b^2. $$