Inequality of sum


I am trying to solve a inequality consisting of the sums.


$\text{Suppose that } a_1, \dots, a_n\ \in \mathbb{R}. \text{Show that:}$

$$\left(\frac{1}{n}\sum _{k=1}^na_k^2\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}\le \left(\frac{1}{n}\sum _{k=1}^na_k^4\right)^{\frac{1}{4}}$$


I substitute $a_k^2=b_k$ and raise the entire inequality to the power of two giving me:

$$\left(\sum _{k=1}^nb_k\right)^2\le n\sum _{k=1}^nb_k^2$$

And since the left side of the inequality consists of the terms $b_k^2$ and the terms $2b_ib_j$, we can subtract n of the square terms from both sides of the inequality:

$$\sum _{i<j}^{ }2b_ib_j\le nb_1^2+nb_2^2+nb_3^2+…+nb_n^2-b_1^2-b_2^2-b_3^2-…-b_n^2$$
$$\sum _{i<j}^{ }2b_ib_j\le nb_1^2-b_1^2+nb_2^2-b_2^2+nb_3^2-b_3^2+…+nb_n^2-b_n^2$$
$$\sum _{i<j}^{ }2b_ib_j\le \left(n-1\right)b_1^2+\left(n-1\right)b_2^2+\left(n-1\right)b_3^2+…+\left(n-1\right)b_n^2$$
$$\sum _{i<j}^{ }2b_ib_j\le \left(n-1\right)\sum _{k=1}^nb_k^2$$

But after this I seem to get stuck. According the answer-sheet, I am supposed to get here from the previous expression:

$$0\le \sum_{i<j}(b_i-b_j)^2$$

which would mean the original inequality is true, because these are equivalent. Can someone please explain to me why that is. Any help would be very much appreciated!

Best Answer

After some more thinking, I managed to figure it out:


I substitute $a_k^2=b_k$ and raise the entire inequality to the power of two giving me:

$$\left(\sum _{k=1}^nb_k\right)^2\le n\sum _{k=1}^nb_k^2$$

And since the left side of the inequality consists of the terms $b_k^2$ and the terms $2b_ib_j$, we can subtract n of the square terms from both sides of the inequality:

$$\sum _{i<j}^{ }2b_ib_j\le nb_1^2+nb_2^2+nb_3^2+...+nb_n^2-b_1^2-b_2^2-b_3^2-...-b_n^2$$ $$\sum _{i<j}^{ }2b_ib_j\le nb_1^2-b_1^2+nb_2^2-b_2^2+nb_3^2-b_3^2+...+nb_n^2-b_n^2$$ $$\sum _{i<j}^{ }2b_ib_j\le \left(n-1\right)b_1^2+\left(n-1\right)b_2^2+\left(n-1\right)b_3^2+...+\left(n-1\right)b_n^2$$ $$\sum _{i<j}^{ }2b_ib_j\le \left(n-1\right)\sum _{k=1}^nb_k^2$$

We rearrange the inequality:

$$0\le \left(n-1\right)\sum _{k=1}^nb_k^2-\sum _{i<j}^{ }2b_ib_j$$

Which when expanded becomes:

$$0\le \left(n-1\right)\left(b_1^2+b_2^2+...b_n^2\right)-\left(2b_1b_2+2b_1b_3+....+2b_{n-1}b_n\right)$$ $$0\le \left(n-1\right)b_1^2+\left(n-1\right)b_2^2+...\left(n-1\right)b_n-\left(2b_1b_2+2b_1b_3+....+2b_{n-1}b_n\right)$$ $$0\le \left(n-1\right)b_1^2+\left(n-1\right)b_2^2+...+\left(n-1\right)b_n-2b_1b_2-2b_1b_3-....-2b_{n-1}b_n$$

To make a simple conclusion from this, I might just decide to see what happens when $n=3$. Then the inequality would become:

$$0\le 2b_1^2+2b_2^2+2b_3^2-2b_1b_2-2b_1b_3-2b_2b_3$$

Which is the same as:

$$0\le \left(b_1^2-2b_1b_2+b_2^2\right)+\left(b_1^2-2b_1b_3+b_3^2\right)+\left(b_2^2-2b_2b_3+b_3^2\right)$$ $$0\le \left(b_1-b_2\right)^2+\left(b_1-b_3\right)^2+\left(b_2-b_3\right)^2$$

And from here I would make the conclusion that:

$$0\le\sum_{i<j}^{ }\left(b_i-b_j\right)^2$$

And since this inequality is equivalent with the original inequality, we would then know that the original inequality is true.

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