Induced map from circle-to-plane inclusion map

differential-formsVector Fields

I am reading “Introduction to Manifold” by L.W.Tu, and have trouble in understanding some facts given in Exercise 11.2 and Remark in Example 17.15 , which may be summarized as follows:

Suppose the inclusion map from $i :S^1 \to \mathbb{R}^2$ and $i(\bar{x})=x$. The induced map $i_*: TS^1 \to T\mathbb{R}^2$ satisfies $i_*(\partial_{\bar{x}}) = \partial_x + (\partial\bar{y}/\partial\bar{x}) \partial_\bar{y}$, while for differential forms $i^*:T^*S^1\to T^* \mathbb{R}^2$ satisfies $i^* d\bar{x}=dx$.

I can see that these facts are true when calculated explicitly, but I cannot understand how should I depict them. That is, when considering the vector fields or differential forms on $S^1$, they are one-dimensional and I have seen they are written with the parameter $\theta$ or like that. I cannot explain why the vector fields and differential forms should written with the induced Cartetian coordinates. How can I visualize such vector fields and differential forms on $S^1$?

Could someone help me?
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

A chart of $S^1$ can be $\phi^{-1}$ where

$\phi: (0,2\pi)\to S^1$


Now you say that


where $(x,y)$ are the coordinates of $\mathbb{R}^2$

We want calculate $a,b\in \mathbb{R}$ but

$a=i_*(\partial_\theta)(x)=\partial_\theta(x\circ (i\circ (\phi^{-1})^{-1}))=\partial_\theta(cos(\theta))=-sin(\theta)$


$b=i_*(\partial_\theta)(y)=\partial_\theta(y\circ (\phi^{-1})^{-1}))=\partial_\theta(sin(\theta))=cos(\theta)$



You can observe that $i_*$ is an injective linear map because there is not $\theta$ such that $-sin(\theta)=cos(\theta)=0$ so $i$ is an immersion map.

It is not correct to write $i^*:T^*S^1\to T^*\mathbb{R}^2$ because the differentital of a smooth map is a contro-variant functor, so you must have

$i^*:T^*\mathbb{R}^2\to T^*S^1$.


$i^*(dx)=\alpha d\theta$ and $i^*(dy)=\beta d\theta$

for some $\alpha,\beta$, so

$\alpha=i^*(dx)(\partial_\theta)=dx(i_*(\partial_\theta))=dx(a\partial_x+b\partial_y)=a=-sin(\theta)$ while

$\beta= i^*(dy)(\partial_\theta)=dy(i_*(\partial_\theta))=dx(a\partial_x+b\partial_y)=b=cos(\theta)$


$i^*(dx)=-sin(\theta) d\theta$ and $i^*(dy)=cos(\theta) d\theta$

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