Induced connections


Let $E\rightarrow M$ be a be a vector bundle. From this bundle, we can construct various other bundles such as $E^*$, and $E\otimes E$. I know that if we have a connection, or covariant derivative $\nabla:\Gamma(E)\rightarrow \Omega^1(M,E)$, then there are induced connection on these bundles given by:

$$\nabla^\otimes(\Phi\otimes \Psi)=\nabla\Phi\otimes \Psi+\Phi\otimes\nabla\Psi$$

where $\Xi\in\Gamma(E^*)$, and $\Phi,\Psi\in \Gamma(E)$.

My question is then this, I can show that these are indeed connections on the aforementioned vector bundles, but is there a reason, other than verifying some version of the product rule, that these should be the induced connections on the vector bundles $E^*$ and $E\otimes E$? In other words, are these connections somehow uniquely/naturally/canonically determined given $\nabla$? It seems these definitions are pulled out of thin air, while, for example, the definition of the Lie derivative naturally extends to deducing relations such as the ones above.

Best Answer

The induced connections become natural to understand by considering the parallel transport maps.

The operation of taking the dual or the tensor product of vector spaces are functors, so for the parallel transport maps there are natural induced maps on the dual spaces and tensor products:

For a smooth curve $\gamma:I\to M$ and $t_0,t_1\in I$ let

$$ P^\nabla:E_{\gamma(t_0)}\to E_{\gamma(t_1)} $$

be the parallel transport along $\gamma$ corresponding to $\nabla$. Then the parallel transport maps corresponding to $\nabla^\otimes$ and $\nabla^*$ are given by

$$ {(P^\nabla})^*:{E^*}_{\gamma(t_1)}\to {E^*}_{\gamma(t_0)},\;\;{(P^\nabla})^*(\varphi)(v)=\varphi({P^\nabla}(v))$$

$$P^\nabla\otimes P^\nabla:E_{\gamma(t_0)}\otimes E_{\gamma(t_0)}\to E_{\gamma(t_1)}\otimes E_{\gamma(t_1)},\;\;P^\nabla\otimes P^\nabla(u\otimes v)= P^\nabla(u)\otimes P^\nabla(v) $$ Since the connections can be recovered from the parallel transport maps $\nabla^*$ and $\nabla^\otimes$ are the unique connections with these properties.

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