Differential Geometry – Induced Connection 1-Form on Orthogonal Frame Bundle


I recently posted a similar question but I have deleted that one and replaced it with this one, which is hopefully more focused.

On page 317 of this paper by Pu-Young Kim and Joon-Sik Park they say

It is well known that, in orthonormal frame bundle $O(M)$
of a Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$, the connection form defined by the
Levi-Civita connection becomes a connection of principal fibre bundle

I could not find a reference for this well known result so I am trying to figure it out on my own.

Suppose $M$ has dimension $n$. The Levi-Civita connection is a connection on $TM$, and $TM$ can be viewed as an associated vector bundle whose fiber is isomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^n$ with structure group $O(n, \mathbb{R})$. I am also familiar with Ehresmann connections on principal bundles, and in this case the principal bundle of interest is the $O(M)$ frame bundle.

I am having trouble connecting the Levi-Civita connection to the associated vector bundle and then connecting that to a connection on the $O(M)$ bundle. So far what I've thought of is that we know every vector bundle has a metric connection, so if we can somehow introduce a torsion-free condition to the associated vector bundle then we will have a Levi-Civita connection which we can hopefully show is unique. But what does this have to do with the Levi-Civita connection on $TM$? And how does all of this induce a Ehresmann connection on the frame bundle $O(M)$?

Best Answer

In general, a metric connection on a smooth vector bundle $E\to M$ equipped with a smooth bundle metric induces a principal $O(n)$-connection on the orthonormal frame bundle $\mathcal O(E)$ and vice versa. The same is true for arbitrary connections on $E$ and principal $\mathrm{GL}(n)$-connections on the frame bundle $\mathcal F(E)$. Please correct me if something feels wrong.

  1. To construct the associated connections, one can choose local sections $s_i:U_i\to\mathcal O(E)$ such that the $U_i$ form an open cover of $M$. Then on the intersections $s_i=s_jf_{ji}$ for unique smooth functions $f_{ji}:U_i\cap U_j\to O(n)$ and the $s_i$ induce local trivializations $$ \psi_i:U_i\times\mathbb R^n\to E_{|U_i},\;\;\;\;(x,v)\mapsto s_i(x)(v) $$ for which the transition functions are given by the maps $f_{ji}$. Now if $\nabla$ is a metric connection on $E$, the pullback connections $(\psi_i)^*\nabla$ on the bundles $U_i\times\mathbb R^n$ can be written as $d+A_i$, where $d$ is the trivial connection and the $A_i$ are $\mathfrak{so}(n)$-valued one form on $U_i$. Then one can show that the $A_i$ satisfy the transition formula $$ A_i = f_{ji}^{-1}df+f_{ji}^{-1}A_jf_{ji}=f_{ji}^{-1}df+\mathrm{Ad}_{f_{ji}^{-1}}(A_j) $$ which is precisely the condition that there exists a principal connection $\omega\in\Omega^1(\mathcal O(E),\mathfrak{so}(n)$) with $s_i^*\omega = A_i$ for all $i$. Conversely for such a principal connection $\omega$, the $A_i:= s_i^*\omega$ satisfy the transition formula from above and then there exists a unique metric connection $\nabla$ on $E$ with $(\psi_i)^*\nabla=d+A_i$ for all $i$. In a similar way there is a correspondence between arbitrary connections on $E$ and principal $\mathrm{GL}(n)$-connections on the frame bundle $\mathcal F(E)$.

  2. There is also a nice way to understand this correspondence geometrically, by looking at the associated parallel transport maps (which determine the connections). If $\nabla$ is a, say metric, connection on $E$ then a smooth curve $\gamma$ in $M$ connecting two points $x,y$ gives rise to a parallel transport map $$ P_\gamma:E_x\to E_y $$ which is a linear isometry. The fiber $\mathcal O(E_x)$ of the orthonormal frame bundle is the set of all linear isometries $\varphi:\mathbb R^n\to E_x$, where such an isometry is equivalently given by the frame $\varphi(e_1),\dots,\varphi(e_n)$. Then one can show that the corresponding parallel transport map for the induced connection on $\mathcal O(E)$ is given by the left multiplication $$ {\widetilde P}_\gamma:\mathcal O(E_x)\to \mathcal O(E_y),\;\;\;\;\varphi\mapsto P_\gamma\circ\varphi $$ Conversely, if one starts with a connection on $\mathcal O(E)$ and a parallel transport map ${\widetilde P}_\gamma$, the corresponding parallel transport map $P_\gamma:E_x\to E_y$ on $E$ for the induced connection is given by $P_\gamma = {\widetilde P}_\gamma(\varphi)\circ\varphi^{-1} $, where $\varphi:\mathbb R^n\to E_x$ is an arbitrary linear isometry (independent of the choice of $\varphi$, since ${\widetilde P}_\gamma$ is right equivariant).