Independent sets and cycles in a graph

graph theory

Question : Consider a connected graph $G$ containing $n$ nodes, where $n\geq 5$. Show that there always exists at least one of :

1) Independent set containing $\lceil \sqrt{n} \rceil$ nodes.

2) A simple cycle of length at least $\lceil \sqrt{n} \rceil$.

An independent set is defined as a set of nodes, such that there exists no edges between any 2 elements in the set.

My first guess was a proof by contradiction. I assumed there is no cycle of length $\lceil \sqrt{n} \rceil$ and tried to prove there must exist a independent set, and vice versa. However, both approaches yielded no results. I'm unsure what information can be deduced from one of the conditions being false to apply and show the other condition must be true.

Best Answer

This follows from the fact that every graph with $\chi(G) \geq 3$ has a cycle of length at least $\chi(G)$ (see Corollary 3 in this answer).

To solve the problem at hand, assume that $\alpha(G) < \sqrt{n}$. Then $\chi(G) \geq \frac{n}{\alpha(G)} > \sqrt{n} > 2$, so one has $\chi(G) \geq 3$, and it follows that $G$ has a cycle of length at least $\sqrt{n}$.

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