Increase the accuracy of optimal point obtained by ADMM

convex optimizationnumerical optimizationoptimizationquadratic programming

What is the best algorithm to polish the optimal point obtained by the ADMM method for a constrained quadratic program?

I've already studied the primal-dual method. Although it can obtain a solution of high accuracy in a reasonable number of iterations, it is not sensitive to the starting point. So while I'm using a point that is too close to the optimal point to warm-start the PD algorithm, it seems as if an arbitrary point is being used. Can you suggest another algorithm in this case?

Best Answer

To the contrary, warm starting primal-dual interior point methods can actually cause the method to converge more slowly than starting with a well centered initial solution. The reason is that your near-optimal solution is likely to be very close to the edge of the feasible reason and not well centered.

Conventional active set methods for QP don't have this problem and could be used to refine your ADMM solution.