In $\triangle ABC$, $BD$ is a median, $\angle DAB=15$ and $\angle ABD=30$. Find $\angle ACB$.


As title implies, the goal is to find the measure of the missing angle in the following figure. While I have solved this, which I'll show below as an answer, I'm not quite sure if my answer is accurate, so I'm posting this here to see if my answer is correct and if there are any alternative approaches. Please post your own approaches to this!

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Best Answer

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In the figure, $\Delta AED$ together point $C$ constitute the given figure.

The constructions are:

(1) Equilateral triangle $BAC$,

(2) A circle with center $B$ and radius $BA$,

(3) Note that the circle passes through $E$ because $\angle AEC=\frac{\angle ABC}{2}$

(4) Join $DB$

Note that we do not assume that $D, E, B$ are collinear.

We are going to $\color{red}{prove}$ that $\color{red}{D, E, B}$ are $\color{red}{collinear}$.


Note that $\angle EAB=45^o$ and $BA=BE \implies \angle ABE=90^o$

i.e. $\color{red}{BE \bot BA}$

On the other hand, $AC=CB=CD \implies \angle ABD=90^o$

i.e. $\color{red}{BD \bot BA}$

The $2$ statements implies that $B, E, D$ are collinear.

Since $CB=CD, \angle BCA=60^o $ and $BCD$ is a trianlge, $\angle CDB=30^0$