In $\triangle ABC$, $AD$ $\perp$ $BC$ and $GE$ is the extended line of $DG$ where $G$ is centroid. Prove that $GD$ = $\frac{EG}{2}$


Let $ABC$ be a triangle and in $\triangle ABC$, $AD$ $\perp$ $BC$ and three median lines intersect at point $G$ where $G$ is the centroid of $\triangle ABC$. The extension of $DG$ intersects the circumcircle of $\triangle ABC$ at point $E$. Prove that $$GD = \frac{EG}{2}$$

I found this as an isolated problem.

My attempt:

Nothing speciality I discovered from the diagram. I only connected segment $AE$ and drew $GI$, where $GI$ $\perp$ $AD$.

From the above diagra, $G$ is the centroid. So, $\frac{AG}{GF}$ = $\frac{1}{2}$. And then from right angled triangle $\triangle AGI$ and $\triangle ADF$, We get $AI:ID$ = $1:2$ (as $\triangle AGI$ $\sim$ $\triangle ADF$).

Right then, if $\triangle ADE$ can be showed as a right angled triangle ($\angle EAD$ = 90$^\circ$) and $\triangle ADE$ $\sim$ $\triangle GID$, we can also likewise show that $\frac{DG}{GE}$ = $\frac{1}{2}$.

But my reverse effort went into vain. I can't anyhow show that $\angle EAD$ = 90$^\circ$. So, how to solve for that case?


Can it be solved by vector? Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Before solving the problem, let's put ourselves in this situation (see attached image)

enter image description here

If $HD=DJ, HG = 2(GO)$ and $JO=OI$ then you have to necessarily $J, O$ and $I$ are collinear.

A simple test is by contradiction. Suppose they are not collinear, so let's place $L$ in $HO$ such that $DL // JO$ then we would have $HL = 3a$, $LG = a$ and $GO = 2a$ ($a$ is a constant), in addition $DL = 2 (JO) = 2 (OI)$. With all this, we would have that $DL // OI$ (the triangles $DLG$ and $GOI$ are similar). Let's call $\theta = \angle JOL$, then $\angle DLH = \theta$ and $ \angle DLO = \angle LOI = 180 - \theta$, therefore $J,O,I$ are collinear.

In the problem, let's call $H$ the orthocenter of the triangle $ABC$ and $O$ to its circumcenter. It is known that $H,G,O$ are collinear and $HG = 2GO$. Now let $J$ be the intersection of the extension of $AH$ with the circumscribed circumference, so it is easy to see that $HD = DJ$. Finally, we would have by the initial observation that necessarily J, O, I are collinear. Then $G$ is the centroid of the triangle $HIJ$ and $GI=2DG$.

Sorry for having changed the letter $E$ for the $I$, I hope it is understood in the same way