In the following geometry figure with a circle and triangle, find the measure of the largest side length


As title suggests, the question is to find the largest length's measure (the blue length) in the figure below. Note that the blue length is NOT passing through the center of the circle and the orange length is tangent to the circle. I tried several different approaches to this problem, both purely geometric and trigonometric, but none of them provided a simple solution until I recalled an important theorem. Please post your own solutions as well, I will have mine as an answer below!

enter image description here

Best Answer

Triangle cosine Rule applied twice, alternate segment angle, outside tangent squared is product segment theorem are used

I quickly got two results by above trig numerical method. It is only slightly different from the first one by @Goku. Others complex, discarded. Can you spot my mistake in the second solution on Mathematica ? Or, is a second solution also admissible?

Two values of long side $ BC= x+y ~$ are

$$(1.5+4.5, 1.50735+4.46341=6, 5.97076)$$

enter image description here

$ (x,y)$ are segments in the blue line outside and inside respectively.

$$ ( x^2=3^2+2^2-2\cdot 3 \cdot 2~\cos \beta,~y^2+4^2-2 \cdot 4 y ~\cos \beta = 2^2,~ x*(x+y)=9 ~)$$

enter image description here