In mathematics, distinguishing material implication (‘$\to$’) from logical implication (‘$\Rightarrow$’)


Can anyone exhibit a mathematical sentence in which a conditional (not necessarily the main connective) has to be STRICTLY understood as a MATERIAL one, and would become false if the material conditional was understood as logical implication instead?

Some context:

In logic, strictly speaking, material implication (' → ') has to be carefully distinguished from logical implication (' ⇒ '). However, I have noticed that in mathematics books, the distinction is not emphasized, as if, in that field, all implications are logical implications. Is it actually the case? (Reference at On this distinction and on the symbols I use , Seymour Lipschutz, Schaum's Outline of Set Theory , ch. 14 " Algebra Of Propositions".)

To illustrate the difference between material and logical implication, consider the sets A={ x | x is a mathematician → x is a musician } and B={ x| x is a mathematician ⇒ x is a musician }. A is simply the set of people who (contingently) happen not to be both mathematician and non-musician, since its conditional is a material one. However, B is the set of people such that for each member, it is or would have been logically impossible for them to be mathematician without being musician; depending on one's opinion concerning the relationship between mathematics and fine arts, one will probably tend to answer either that B is either the universal set (a mathematician is necessarily a musician) or the empty set.

I think that substituting ' → ' for ' ⇒ ' cannot lead to important problems, since, if A logically implies B, then A should also materially imply B ("A ⇒ B" meaning that (A → B) is true in all possible cases, all possible "interpretations"). Here I'm asking the reverse question: is it always correct to substitue ' ⇒ ' for ' → ' in mathematics, in other words, is it correct to use always " ⇒ " in mathematics?

My question is not on symbols.

Best Answer

The symbols you want are $\to$ (\to) for material implication and $\implies$ (\implies) for logical implication. Insofar as mainstream mathematics distinguishes them, $p\implies q$ means that $p\to q$ is (a) true in all models of a theory of interest (however, in that context we'd usually write $\models$ (\models) instead of $\implies$ to make it clear) or (b) a tautology. And in modal logic, we can rewrite $p\implies q$ as $\Box(p\to q)$ (note the use of \Box). But in practice, $\implies$ is often used in proofs to indicate an inference from what was already known.

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