In how many ways $A_n$ can we cover a $2 \times n$ rectangle with $1 \times 2$ and $2 \times 2$ polyominoes


This is my answer:

(if rotations are allowed)
Let An be the number of ways to completely cover a 2 times n checkerboard with 1×2 and 2×2 dominoes

There 3 conditions:
The upper right corner can be covered with a vertical 1×2 domino, so there An-1 ways to completely cover the checkerboard.
The upper right corner can be covered with two horizontal 1×2 domino, so there An-2 ways to completely cover the checkerboard.
The upper right corner can be covered with a 2×2 domino, so there An-2 ways to completely cover the checkerboard.

Derived from the 3 conditions we have:
An = A(n-1)+2A(n-2) for n>=2
with starting values A1 = 1 and A2 = 3

I want to ask if it is properly defined mathematically, especially for the conditions. Any advise will be appreciated.

Best Answer

Yes, the idea and recurrence are correct if rotations are allowed, but you should use MathJax to format. Also, only $1 \times 2$ or $2 \times 1$ polyominoes are called dominoes. You could instead use $A_0=1$ (the empty tiling) and $A_1=1$ as the initial conditions. Then $A_2=A_1+2 A_0=1+2\cdot 1=3$ follows from the recurrence. Now do you know how to solve this to find an explicit formula for $A(n)$?