In how many ways 5 couples can be seated around a circular table with some conditions attached


In how many ways 5 couples can be seated around a circular table such that men and women sit alternatively and no person sits adjacent to his or her spouse ?

Edit: The chairs are alike!
I have gone through few answers to the question where 5 couples are arranged in such a way that they don't sit together using inclusion and exclusion principle but I am not getting my way around when men and women also have to sit alternatively!

Best Answer

There are $4!$ ways to place the men in such a way that men and women will sit alternatively.

Place them and label the spots where the men have taken their seats clockwise with $a,b,c,d,e$.

Now we will take a look at the possible configurations for women.

Without further conditions there are $5!$ configurations for women.

Let $A$ denote the set of these configurations where the man that sits at $a$ has his wife next to him.

This similar for $B,C,D,E$ where the capitals correspond with labels $b,c,d,e$ respectively.

The answer to the question is then $4!\left|A^{\complement}\cap B^{\complement}\cap C^{\complement}\cap D^{\complement}\cap E^{\complement}\right|=4!\left(5!-\left|A\cup B\cup C\cup D\cup E\right|\right)$ so it remains to find $\left|A\cup B\cup C\cup D\cup E\right|$.

This can be done by means of inclusion/exclusion. Up to a certain level we can also make use of symmetry (e.g. notice that of course $\left|A\cap B\right|=\left|B\cap C\right|$) but here we must be careful.

At first hand we find that: $$\left|A\cup B\cup C\cup D\cup E\right|=5\left|A\right|-5\left|A\cap B\right|-5\left|A\cap C\right|+5\left|A\cap B\cap C\right|+5\left|A\cap B\cap D\right|-5\left|A\cap B\cap C\cap D\right|+\left|A\cap B\cap C\cap D\cap E\right|$$

Then checking the cases one by one we find:

  • $\left|A\right|=2\times4!=48$
  • $\left|A\cap B\right|=3\times3!=18$
  • $\left|A\cap C\right|=4\times3!=24$
  • $\left|A\cap B\cap C\right|=4\times2!=8$
  • $\left|A\cap B\cap D\right|=6\times2!=12$
  • $\left|A\cap B\cap C\cap D\right|=5\times1!=5$
  • $\left|A\cap B\cap C\cap D\cap E\right|=2\times0!=2$

So our final answer is: $$4!\left(5!-5\times48+5\times18+5\times24-5\times8-5\times12+5\times5-26\right)=24\times13=312$$

I hope that I did not make any mistakes. Check me on it.