In an isosceles triangle $ABC$ show that $PM+PN$ does not depend on the position of the chosen point P.


Let $ABC$ be a triangle such that $AB = AC$. Let $P$ be a point in
$BC$. Let $M, N$ be the feet of the perpendiculars from $P$ to $AB$ and $AC$ respectively.
Show that the value of the sum $PM+PN$ does not depend on the position of the chosen point P.

My try

I didn't progress a lot in this problem but i'm going to put what i saw:

First, i tried to draw the line $AP$, in that way the right triangles $AMP$ and $ANP$ have the same hypotenuse. After that i tried Pythagoras, but i found nothing.

After that i realized that the right triangles $MBP$ and $NCP$ are similar. I tried some operations with the properties of similar triangles, but also i found nothing.

Any hints?

Best Answer

Observe that $$\frac{AB·PM}{2}+\frac{AC·PN}{2}=\frac{BC·h_a}{2}=\text{Area of }\Delta ABC$$ Since $AB=AC$


which is constant (and therefore doesn't depend on $P$'s position). $\;\blacksquare$