In an $8×8$ table one of the square is colored black and all the others are white . Prove that one cannot make all the boxes white by recoloring the r


In an $8×8$ table one of the square is colored black and all the others are white . Prove that one cannot make all the boxes white by recoloring the rows and columns . "Recoloring" is the operation of changing the color of all boxes in a row or in a column .

This is a problem taken from Mathematical Circles by Dimitri Fomin , Sergey Genkin and IIa Itenberg.

My solution goes like this:

We have a square colored black while all other squares are white. So, in order to make it white we must first recolor its row or its column in which the black colored square is present . Now , if we recolor the row or the column the number black squares will be increased and it's parity will still be odd as we now have $7$ black squares in that particular row or column . Now, if we again recolor that row or column it will again get reverted back to its initial configuration. So, we must now color each of the row or column in which we have one of those $7$ black sqaures . But this will also result in an odd number of black squares as we have then $7-1+7=13$ black squares in total. So, after any transformations we are left with an odd number of black squares. If all the squares are colored black then we have $0$ black squares . This has an even parity. So, this is not possible to have all squares colored white.

I want to verify my proof whether it is alright or not? Is this valid? Of course there is a duplicate link about this question but that asks for a different thing. I am asking whether thus proof is valid or not…that link asks probably for a verification of a different proof …but I want to know whether this proof is valid or not?….

Also if we have a $3×3$ square like the one given in the figure can we do the do the same thing.enter image description here

Can we solve this using the same above reasoning?

Best Answer

Your analysis for the $8 \times 8$ square amounts to saying that each operation leaves the parity of the total number of black squares unchanged. This assertion is accurate, and therefore, the analysis is valid. The assertion critically depends on the idea that $(8-1)$ has the same parity as $(1)$.

For the $3 \times 3$ square, this specific approach is invalid, because (for example) $(3-1)$ does not have the same parity as $(1)$.

At this point, it is unclear whether the same conclusion is accurate in the $3 \times 3$ square. That is, there may exist a similar but different valid argument that involves $\pmod{n}$, where $n$ is some positive integer other than $(2)$.

For what it's worth, an alternative (convoluted and therefore inferior) approach for the $8 \times 8$ square is to recognize that the computation of $(W - B)$ (i.e. # of white squares - number of black squares) is unchanged $\pmod{4}$ because (for example) $[(+6) - (-6)] \equiv 0\pmod{4}$.

This yields a similar contradiction, as your analysis of the $8 \times 8$ square, because $(63 - 1) \equiv 2\pmod{4}.$