In a compact metric space,every open cover has a Lebesgue number.(Proof suggestions)


I started the proof as follows.Suppose $X$ is compact.We want to show that every open cover of $X$ has a Lebesgue number.We first show that every open ball cover of $X$ has a Lebesgue number.Take an open ball cover $\{B_\alpha:\alpha \in I\}$,then by compactness there is a finite subcover that is there is a collection of balls $B(x_1,r_1),…,B(x_k,r_k)$ covering $X$. Assume that no ball is contained in other(to remove redundacy).Automatically it is implied that the centres are distinct(if not ,then larger ball contains smaller one,not possible as per our assumption).Now,suppose $\delta=1/2 \min\{r_n:n=1,2,..,k\}=r/2>0$.Now I am not sure whether this will be a Lebesgue number of the finite subcover.Can someone please tell me what to do next or whether I am proceeding in a right way.

Best Answer

That's not really the way to go.

A contradiction proof is better. Assuming that $\mathcal U$ is an open cover of $X$ that has no Lebesgue number, it follows in particular for each integer $n > 1$ the fraction $\lambda = \frac{1}{n}$ is not a Lebesgue number for $\mathcal U$, and therefore the exists a subset $A_n \subset X$ such that the diameter of $A_n$ is less than $\frac{1}{n}$, but $A_n$ is not contained in any element of the given cover.

The idea now is to choose a sequence $(x_n)$ in $X$ such that $x_n \in A_n$ for all $n$. Some subsequence $(x_{n_i})$ converges to a limit $p \in X$. This point $p$ is contained in some $U \in \mathcal U$, and so there exists $r > 0$ such that $B(p,r) \subset U$.

Perhaps you can now see how derive a contradiction, by taking the subsequence index $i$ to be sufficiently large?