Improper integral $\int_0^{+\infty} (\sqrt{x+\cos(x)}-\sqrt{x})\mathrm dx$


I'm trying to find out wether $\int_0^{+\infty}(\sqrt{x+\cos(x)}-\sqrt{x})dx$ is convergent, absolutely convergent, or divergent.

I'm already convinced that it is not absolutely convergent, since $$|\sqrt{x+\cos(x)}-\sqrt{x}|=\dfrac{|\cos(x)|}{\sqrt{x+\cos(x)}+\sqrt{x}}\ge \frac{1}{3}\dfrac{\cos^2(x)}{\sqrt{x}}$$ for $x\ge 1$, and it's not hard to show that $\int_1^{+\infty}\dfrac{\cos^2(x)}{\sqrt{x}}\mathrm dx$ diverges.

I can't find any good idea for the convergence. My intuition is that it diverges.

Best Answer

This does converge conditionally. By what you wrote above have $$ \int_0^{\infty} (\sqrt{x+\cos x}-\sqrt{x}) \, dx = \int_0^{\infty} \frac{\cos x}{\sqrt{x+\cos x}+\sqrt{x}} \, dx $$ and since $$ \frac{1}{\sqrt{x+\cos x}+\sqrt{x}} $$ is a decreasing function on $(0,\infty)$ tending to zero as $x \to \infty$ while $\cos x$ is uniformly bounded and has average value equal to zero, the improper integral converges by Dirichlet's test for integrals.

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