Implication versus “if….then…” in written English


Assume following statements are true

  1. Bob's favorite color is blue.
  2. Sally's favorite color is red.
  3. Bob and Sally always tell the truth.

I ask Bob the following question: "If you are Sally, is your favorite color blue?"

According to the definition of logical implication, since "you [Bob] are Sally" is false, the above compound proposition must be true ($P\implies Q$ is true when $P$ is false). However, the statement seems to be false as interpreted in standard written English. Is this just an unfortunate quirk of the English words used to designate mathematical implication or is something deeper going on?

Best Answer

  1. If the question was instead phrased as “If you were Sally, is your favorite color blue?” then it's natural to interpret it as “Is Sally's favorite color blue?”, whose answer is No.

  2. “If you are Sally, is your favorite color blue?”

    Technically, it is unclear whether “your” is pointing back at Bob or still at Sally (I discussed such ambiguity of variable recycling in this answer).

  3. Let's convert the given question into a statement:
      “If Bob is Sally, then their favorite color is blue.”

    With the implicit premise that Bob is Sally, regardless of whether “their” refers to Bob or Sally, the above (implication) statement is vacuously true, and the argument valid, since its associated conditional $$P\to\big(\lnot P\to Q\big)$$ is a tautology.