Image of a subgroup under the projection to the projective general linear group is isomorphic to the group quotiented by its centre

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Let $(V,\rho)$ be a finite, irreducible representation of a finite group $G$, where $V$ is a finite-dimensional vector space. So:

\rho: G \to \textrm{GL}(V)

is a homomorphism.

Let $Z(V)$ denote the centre of $\textrm{GL}(V)$, and define the projective general linear group as the quotient:

\textrm{PGL}(V) = \textrm{GL}(V)/Z(V)

and the corresponding canonical projection:

\pi: \textrm{GL}(V) \to \textrm{PGL}(V).

I want to show that, if $Z(\rho(G))$ is the centre of $\rho(G) < \textrm{GL}(V)$, then:

\pi(\rho(G)) \cong \rho(G)/Z(\rho(G)).

I have been told that this follows immediately from Schur's lemma, but I do not see how.

I suppose that by arguing by induction on the order of $G$, we could assume that $\rho$ is faithful, so that we have $\rho(G)/Z(\rho(G)) \cong G/Z(G)$.

As the centre of the group is Abelian, it would follow from Schur's lemma that the restriction of $\rho$ to $Z(G)$ is the sum of irreducible degree 1 characters, but I do not see how this applies to the above.

All help would be highly appreciated.

Best Answer

I'll make a try. From first isom. theorem we have $$\pi(\rho(G))\cong \rho(G)/ker\pi|_{\rho(G)}$$

It suffies to show that $ker\pi|_{\rho(G)}=Z(\rho(G))$. It is $$ker\pi|_{\rho(G)}=\{\rho(g)\in \rho(G)|\ \rho(g)\in Z(V)\}=\\ =\{\rho(g)\in \rho(G)|\ \rho(g)=k\cdot Id\}=\\=Z(\rho(G))$$

where the second equality folllows from Schur's Lemma.

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