If $x>y\ge1$ are integers, with $x$ even and $y$ odd, and $x^4+4x^3y-4xy^3-4y^4$ is a square, must $y \mid x$

diophantine equationselementary-number-theorysquare-numbers

The title says it all: Let $x$ and $y$ be integers, with $x$ even and $y$ odd, such that $x > y \ge 1$ and
$$x^4+4x^3y-4xy^3-4y^4 = w^2$$
for some integer $w$. Does this force $y \mid x$?

Brute force calculations seem to support that conjecture. In fact, they suggest the stronger conjecture $x=2y$.

I’ve poked around trying to prove something, but can’t figure out the magic incantation. Any advice/help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

It seems that the pair $x=951017531851446281396498, y=780923760568941116026369$ is a counterexample.

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