If $(X,Y)$ is bivariate normal with correlation $\rho$ and $\sigma_X^2 = \sigma_Y^2$, show that $X$ and $Y – \rho X$ are independent

bivariate-distributionsindependencenormal distributionprobability

Let $(X,Y)$ be bivariate normal with correlation $\rho$ and variance $\sigma_X^2=\sigma_Y^2$. Show that $X$ and $Y – \rho X$ are independent.

I found there's a general result which states that if $(X, Z)$ is normal bivariate and $COV(X, Z)=0$, then X and Z are independent. Therefore since we have $$E(X(Y-\rho X))= E(XY)-\rho E(X^2)=E(XY) -\frac{E(XY)}{\sigma_X^2}\sigma_X^2=0,$$ it is enough to prove that $(X,Y-\rho X)$ is normal bivariate. Although, from here I do not really know how to go on…

Many thanks for any help.

Best Answer

Let's start from the joint gaussian density $f_{XY}(x,y$.

After some simple algebraic manipulations you get

$$\frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}}e^{ -\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}(x-\mu_X)^2} \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}\sqrt{1-\rho^2}}e^{ -\frac{1}{2\sigma^2 (1-\rho^2)}[y-\mu_Y-\rho(x-\mu_X)]^2}$$

That is $f_{XZ}(x,z)=f_X(x)f_Z(z)$

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