If $V\subseteq U\subseteq V\cup W$ then is it true that $U\subseteq W$


So I am trying to understand if $U$, $V$ and $W$ are three sets such that
\tag{0}\label{0}V\subseteq U\subseteq V\cup W

then the inclusion
\tag{1}\label{1}U\subseteq W

must hold: indeed, what show to follow seems confute \eqref{1}.

So let be $Y$ a not empty subset of a topological space $X$ and thus let be $H$ a subset of $X$ such that
\tag{2}\label{2}\operatorname{bd} Y⊆H⊆\operatorname{cl}Y

So if the last inclusion holds then we observe that the inclusion
\tag{3}\label{3}X\setminus\operatorname{cl}Y\subseteq X\setminus H\subseteq X\setminus\operatorname{bd}Y

holds but we know that
\operatorname{ext}Y=X\setminus\operatorname{cl}Y\quad\text{and}\quad X\setminus\operatorname{bd}Y=\operatorname{ext}Y\cup\operatorname{int}Y

so that by \eqref{3} we infer that
\tag{4}\label{4}\operatorname{ext}Y\subseteq X\setminus H\subseteq\operatorname{ext}Y\cup\operatorname{int}Y

So if \eqref{1} was true then \eqref{4} would implies that
\tag{5}\label{5}\operatorname{ext}Y\subseteq X\setminus H\subseteq\operatorname{int}Y

which is true only if $\operatorname{ext}{Y}$ is empty.

So I ask to clarify if \eqref{1} holds and in particular if it does not hold then I ask to give a more handy counterexample; moreover I ask if \eqref{4} holds when \eqref{2} does. So could someone help me, please?

Best Answer

This is true if and only if $V \subseteq W$. If this is true, then the second subset relationship implies the result. If this is not true, then $U$ must contain all elements of $V,$ including those outside $W,$ so the statement is false.

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