If $\varphi : X\times Y\rightarrow Z$ is continuous, $\widehat{\varphi} : X\rightarrow C(Y,Z)$ is not necessary continuous.


Let $X,Y,Z$ be metric spaces. If we have continuous map $\varphi : X\times Y \rightarrow Z$, we can get continuous map for each $x\in X$ $\widehat{\varphi}(x) : Y\rightarrow Z$ defined by $\widehat{\varphi}(x)(y)=\varphi(x,y)$. It is proven in If the function $\varphi \colon Z\rightarrow C(X,Y)$ is continuous then $F\colon Z\times X\rightarrow Y$, $F(z,x)=\varphi (z)(x)$ will be continuous. if $Y$ is locally compact, we even get $\widehat{\varphi} : X \rightarrow C(Y,Z)$ is continuous where $C(Y,Z)$ is set of all continuous functions from $Y$ to $Z$. My question is, if $Y$ is not locally compact, can $\widehat{\varphi}$ is also continuous? My lecturer said there is counterexample but he did not mention one.

Best Answer

Note that all spaces below are Hausdorff (not sure if this is needed, but I'm assuming this to not state false theorems).

We consider $C(Y, Z)$ with compact-open topology here.

There is a misunderstanding, if $\varphi:X\times Y\to Z$ is continuous, then $\hat\varphi:X\to C(Y, Z)$ is always continuous. It's the implication $\hat\varphi$ continuous $\implies$ $\varphi$ continuous that isn't always true.

Namely, witness the following proposition (see e.g. Dugundji's Topology):

Proposition. If $\hat\varphi:X\to C(Y, Z)$ is continuous and $Y$ is locally compact (or $X\times Y$ is a $k$-space), then $\varphi:X\times Y\to Z$ is continuous.

Since every metric space is a $k$-space, in your setting of metric spaces we have:

Theorem. If $X, Y, Z$ are metric spaces then $\varphi$ is continuous iff $\hat\varphi$ is continuous.

So actually both implications are always true!

Edit: Since the OP was asking for it, here's a counter-example when we're not in the real of metric spaces. Let $Y$ be a Tychonoff space that's not locally compact, for example $Y = \mathbb{Q}$, say $y_0\in Y$ doesn't have a compact neighbourhood. If we take $\varphi:C(Y, [0, 1])\times Y\to [0, 1]$ to be the evaluation map, that is $\varphi(f, y) = f(y)$ then $\varphi$ is not continuous. The proof is relatively easy:

Proof: Suppose otherwise, that $\varphi$ is continuous, let $0:Y\to [0, 1]$ denote tha map $0(x) = 0$, then there are neighbourhoods $U$ of $y_0$ and $V = \bigcap_{i=1}^n (K_i, V_i)$ of $0$ such that $\varphi[U\times V]\subseteq [0, 1)$ (from continuity of $\varphi$ at $(0, y_0)$). Here $K_i\subseteq Y$ are compact, and $V_i\subseteq [0, 1]$ are open.

Since $\overline{U}$ is not compact, we can't have $U\subseteq \bigcup_{i=1}^n K_i$, so that there is $y_1\in U\setminus \bigcup_{i=1}^n K_i$. Since $Y$ is Tychonoff we can find a continuous function $h:Y\to [0, 1]$ such that $h[\bigcup_{i=1}^n K_i] = \{0\}$ and $h(y_1) = 1$. Then $(h, y_1)\in V\times U$ but $\varphi(h, y_1) = 1$, which is impossible. The contradiction shows that $\varphi$ can't be continuous at the point $(0, y_0)$. $\square$

Here $Z = [0, 1]$ and $X = C(Y, [0, 1])$. The corrsponding map $\hat\varphi:C(Y, [0, 1])\to C(Y, [0, 1])$ is just the identity map $\text{Id}_{C(Y, [0, 1])}$ and as such is continuous.

This shows that from continuity of $\hat\varphi$ it doesn't follow that $\varphi$ is continuous.