If $V$ is finite dimensional $\Longrightarrow \left ( S^{\perp} \right )^{\perp}$ is the subspace generated by $S$

linear algebra

Let be $V$ a inner product space over $\mathbb{C}$. Let be $S$ a
subset of $V$. We define $S^{\perp}=\left \{ x \in V | \langle s,x\rangle=0
\text{ , } \forall s\in S \right \}$
. Prove that:

  1. The subspace generated by $S$ is contained in $\left ( S^{\perp} \right )^{\perp}$
  2. If $V$ is finite dimensional, $\Longrightarrow \left ( S^{\perp} \right )^{\perp}$ is the subspace generated by $S$

I've already proved 1 using the fact that the inner product is linear. But for 2 I'm not sure how can I use the fact that V is finite dimensional. Intuitively, it came to my mind this:

&=\dim\left(\left ( S^{\perp} \right )^{\perp}\right)+\dim(S^{\perp})\\

But, that is telling me that $S= \left ( S^{\perp} \right )^{\perp}$, but what I want is $\text{span}(S)=\left ( S^{\perp} \right )^{\perp}$. So how can I prove 2?

I would really appreciate your help!

Best Answer

If $S$ is not a subspace of $V$, then $\dim S$ does not make sense. You already proved that for any subset $S$, ${\rm span}(S) \subseteq (S^\perp)^{\perp}$, ok. Now, observe that $$\dim {\rm span}(S)^\perp = \dim S^\perp \quad \mbox{and}\quad \dim {\rm span}(S) + \dim S^\perp = \dim V < +\infty.$$The second formula follows from the rank-nullity theorem applied to $V \ni v \mapsto \langle v, \cdot\rangle|_{{\rm span}(S)} \in {\rm span}(S)^*$, as having finite-dimension implies that $\dim {\rm span}(S)^* = \dim {\rm span}(S)$.

Then you know that ${\rm span}(S) \subseteq (S^\perp)^\perp$ and both of them have the same finite dimension. Then they have to be equal.