Abstract Algebra – Faithful Simple Module Implies the Ring is a Field


Suppose $R$ is a commutative, unital ring and $M$ is a faithful (i.e. $\text{Ann}_R M = 0$) and simple (i.e. no submodules other than $0$ and itself) module. I need to show that $R$ is a field.

The hint says to use that if $f: N\to M$ is a nontrivial homomorphism then $M \cong N/\ker f$, but I don't see how to use it. $M$ being faithful implies that for all $r$ we have a nontrivial homomorphism $m \mapsto rm$, which I think might be useful.

I would prefer hints over answers.

Best Answer

A more helpful hint would be to consider the map $f:R\to M$ given by $1\mapsto m$ where $m$ is anything nonzero in $M$. This yields a homomorphism of $R$ onto $M$ (why?).

By the third isomorphism theorem, $R/\ker(f)\cong M$ as $R$ modules, and by correspondence $\ker(f)$ is a maximal ideal. But since $R$ is a commutative ring, any element of $\ker(f)$ is going to annihilate $M$, which means $\ker(f)=\{0\}$ by faithfulness.

So the zero ideal is $R$ is maximal: this only happens (in a commutative ring) when $R$ is a field.

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